WINNER!! Shabby Apple Giveaway!

A big congratulations goes to Shanny, winner of the Shabby Apple $50 gift card!

Check your email for details Shanny!!
The 10% off code for polka dot dresses is good for the rest of the month!
Just use the code: pokadot10off

Peace on {Earth Day} Cupcakes

Each year we have an Earth Day party at our house.
Which means that we need cake.  Of course.  


These yummy cupcakes were preceded by a lesson about the creation of the earth (what more persuasive way is there to talk about why we should take care of the earth than to talk about Who made it and Why it's for us?)

  We also made a "creation art project" and "creation party mix" before the cupcakes, which I will have to share on a later post...
Inspired by these, we decided to make "Earth" cupcakes for our party.  

 I started out with a white cake mix (since the kids were helping with {this little project}.  We divided the batter in half and put blue in half and green in half.
Then we dolloped each color into cupcake liners.
 My sweet friend gave me some darling mini cookie cutters as a birthday gift this year and we decided to use them to showcase some of God's creations on the earth.  

First I cut the tops off of the cupcake.

Then I frosted the "new top" while the kids cut out a shape from the "muffin" part.

Then we replaced the tops.  One bonus of this method: less frosting all over faces and hands!
We also tried some where we cut out the inside of the cupcake and filled it with frosting.

Loving the Earth is wonderful.  We need to be good stewards of the incredible gift we have been given.

But to me, these cupcakes are more like: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

For whatever reason, Jay and Kay have been fighting/teasing/bothering each other like crazy this week.  One night I named these cupcakes "no-contention cupcakes."  They couldn't have one if they were causing contention.  It got their attention.

The next night (we couldn't eat them all at once!) I called them "Peace on Earth" cupcakes.  And the name stuck.  These cupcakes were just the reminder my kiddos needed about what is important.

Makes me want to make these {little} yummies again!

And my {little} boy hit the 5 month mark around Earth Day.  I can't believe it.  Since I haven't been blogging much since his birth, I haven't shared much about him.  He's the sweetest {little by little} major project there ever was!  I'm one lucky mommy!

onesie sticker by Purple Possum

In other Earth Day projects, our Cloth Diaper Project is up and going again with Baby M.

And since we're talking of Earth Day and babies, I read this today about children and motherhood and loved it.

(you can see past year's party ideas and Earth Day Projects here)

Also, today is the last day to enter the Shabby Apple giveaway (below)
--don't miss it!