Friday Favorites and Freebies

Happy Friday! I hope you find something to fit your fancy on this fine Friday!

We finally tried out Jitterbug this week. It's a kid-friendly web site with great music options (minus the occasion ads on the videos). The kids loved the videos and I loved that I got some sewing done while they watched since the computer happens to be next to the sewing machine!

Want an easy way to monogram or a unique way to put your child's name up on the wall? Check this out-so easy to personalize it! lets kids color online. It's always a fun variation for preschoolers who think they are big enough to have some computer time :)

Are you looking for a free way to budget better? Check out It has been highly recommended and is easy to use.

And these Halloween spinners look so fun for a party!

Grab an "I've been featured" button from the left side-bar if you made the list today!

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