Christmas Handmade Origami Projects

These Music-themed Christmas wreaths are definitely a favorite for me, being a piano teacher.  I think my students may get one of these at our upcoming recital.  For a Tutorial to make your own, visit Domesticali.
I love these charming cones for filling with treats.  I'm thinking of filling one with marshmallows to give with my hot chocolate gift.  To make one, see this Tutorial.

For a Little Project for the kids, check out this origami elf, tree, star, photo frame, and even more ideas for kids HERE.

For a little origami envelope to send a holiday note in, try this tutorial.

These little origami projects would be fun as a gift tag, tree ornament, advent calendar, or magnet. And if you have ideas about how you want to use them, please do share them by leaving a comment :)


Count Your Many Blessings-Gift Idea Too!

This is a fun way to count your blessings. We just got new photos done for our family and I was so excited put them up! I didn't make this concept up, just gave it a re-do for the holidays. It's perfect for Thanksgiving, but blessings are a year-round thing. So if yours turns out great, leave it out to remind you how blessed you are :) There are lots of variations on this concept. See below for more ideas.

This looks a lot cuter when you can see the photographs. But for the safety of my kiddos I covered them up, of course.

To make This Little Project you will need:
9 Binder Clips-These come in at least 3 different sizes. I used the "medium size" and got them colored at Staples.
Stickers Letters (or you could stamp some) for the word: BLESSINGS
Various "decorations" like yarn, ribbon, buttons, etc. to dress up the binder clips with.
Paperclips-I used the cute shaped kind from Staples-I couldn't find them online though?
glue stick
paper to mount to
various other stickers or sayings of your blessings
Photos-I used the wallet size

To make yours:
1-Decide which photos to display and mount them. What other sayings describe your blessings? You could stamp them, write them, or use stickers to create the sayings. Mount them as well. I used a glue stick.

2-Decorate the binder clip in any way you would like (I was lazy and bought them already cute). You could cover them in fun paper of your color choice and add ribbon and buttons to give them some personality.

3-Attach one sticker letter (9 total) of the word, "Blessings" to each binder clip.

4-Decide which order to display your blessings in. You can use paper clips to attach sayings to mounted photos.

5-The photos will sit right inside the metal part of the binder clip. Arrange them as you like and then display!

That was a FUN and EASY Little Project!

There really is no limit to your creativity on this theme. Here are some fun Variations. These are just a few I came up with. Share yours too, by leaving a comment.

Use the word, "CHRISTMAS",
The word, "LOVE" is perfect for Valentines Day or an anniversary.
Use the letters in your child's name and then create a collage of photos over the years to display in their room.
Use a friend's name and make a darling gift!
Use the letters in your last name-or in someone else's last name to give as a gift
Use the word "GRANDMA" or GRANDPARENTS" etc. for a gift idea-put photos of the grandkids in.
MOTHER or FATHER are great for Mother's Day and Father's Day gifts.

A Mobile For All Seasons

I have had the idea for this mobile for a long time and I FINALLY sat down and made it-and just in time to put these funny turkeys on (my son has been BEGGING for this!)

My big plan is to make something for each season/holiday to hang on the mobile. Be sure to check back for Christmas hangings. If you have some fun ideas for hangings, please do share too!

My favorite part is how inexpensive this Little Project was! Just a few wooden embroidery hoops (mine were 50 cents each) and some clear nylon thread (I wanted it to hang from thin air :)

I bought my little turkeys at the dollar store a few years ago, so no tips on that. But really, if my son weren't so intent on them, I think I would hang some of those cute little pumpkins I posted about.

To make your Mobile For All Seasons you need:
nylon thread
glue gun
3 different sized embroidery hoops
I used Pooch yarn for the fun texture for the hangings.
(you can disregard the plastic circle in the photo. I ended up not using it :)

Each embroidery hoop comes with 2 pieces. You actually only need one of the hoops from each size. I used the one without the metal piece.
I tied 2 pieces of nylon thread across each hoop so that they crossed in the middle evenly.  It basically looks like a hoop with a big + sign in the middle of it.
Then I tied a length to the middle of each of the hoop crosses. The nylon thread is slippery and moves even after you tie it. It is important to make sure that it is centered first (hold it from the thread and see how it hangs) and then put a dob (if that is a word) of hot glue to hold it centered in the hoop. It is important that it hangs LEVEL. So be sure to do this step!! After it is hanging level tie the other end of the length to the other hoop of the next level
Repeat for each level. You can make them as far apart or as close together as you please, depending on how high your ceiling is.
I used the Pooch yarn to attach my hangings (in this case turkeys :) Note: The Pooch yarn can unravel. Just knot it to stop it. The knot fits right in with the fun texture.

I used the wood embroidery hoops. You could also cover the hoops or paint them the color of your choice.

I think this would also be a fun little project for a mobile in the baby's room. I think I might try that next :)

Fun how they hang in mid-air, don't you think? :)

For your Little Pumpkin

Aren't these adorable Little Pumpkins! Pattern Bee is offering a pattern to make these DARLING pumpkins for FREE! Yes really! They would be darling as a table decoration for that upcoming turkey dinner. Or give one to your favorite little pumpkin and tell them thankful you are for them.

Criss-Cross Coasters

This Little Project Stayed Home: I received this darling set of coasters the other day as a gift! My friend Brenda made them and was even kind enough to share how she did it! I am excited to try it out! All Sorts has a tutorial if you would like to make your own. They make stylish gifts, or make them to match your own style :)

Pumpkin Apple Dip Recipe

This is a yummy recipe I tried out for a dessert night. It was yummy and perfectly in season too! You can tell from the photo that we like it :)
It has a cheesecake taste and graham crackers taste Yummy dipped in it too! Enjoy!

Pumpkin Apple Dip
1 pkg. (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
24 apples slices

In a medium bowl, beat cream cheese, brown sugar and pumpkin with a mixer at medium speed until well blended. Add cinnamon, and beat until smooth. Cover and chill for 1 hour. Serve with apple slices.

Turkey Time!

Check out a variety of fun Turkey Time projects-to eat and display.

Time to dress the Turkey- see 2 fun ways to do turkey dressing below:

I made this little turkey for my little girl. She got so many compliments that I sent his little Turkey to market $4 hair clip or $5.50 on an "ouchless" headband. To order one for your little Turkey email me at or visit my little project market Here.

Want to dress and accessorize your turkey in a fun game? Fabulous and funny looks here:

Want to Gobble up a yummy turkey? These are kid-friendly little projects inspired by my friends Chris and Kristen.

Turkey cupcakes

I LOVE cupcakes! For kid-friendly attention spans I reach for a cake mix and bake in paper-lined cupcake tuns. Pick your favorite flavor.  

To dress up your cupcakes you will need:
candy corn
frosting (chocolate for a brown turkey)
candy necklace candies (cut the elastic to get them off-this way you have really cute eyes!)

How to make it a fun project for the kids: let them add in the few ingredients needed to the cake mix, let them stir it all up. I like to use a measuring cup to fill each cupcake so they don't get over-filled.

M&M Turkey!
These little turkeys make great table decor too!  Don't be surprised if they get snacked on while everyone is waiting for the real turkey :)

To make this turkey you need:
Yellow or brown or orange tulle-(use the kind with the larger holes so you will be able to put the pipe cleaner through)
pipe cleaners: orange and red
thread to tie with
googlie eyes
glue gun

Cut a seven inch square of yellow tulle-you can vary the size as you please to make a bigger or smaller turkey. Fill it with m&m's and tie closed-the fluff where you tie it becomes the tail. Roll an orange pipe cleaner for the head and leave a long enough body to insert into the bag of m&ms that you made. Glue a piece of red pipe cleaner under the "chin" of the rolled up head. Glue a googlie eye to each side of the pipe cleaner. Insert the long part of the pipe cleaner down into the body of the turkey. Note: I also used some Starburst Jelly Beans in this (I LOVE THOSE and buy extra every year) and it looked fun with so many colors, so feel free to experiment with the candies you like.
How the kids can help with this fun little project (other than eating the m&m's): add the m&m's to the circle, insert the head into the body of the turkey.

A Fun Little Project for Little Girls!

I remember having a lot of fun playing (very carefully) with paper dolls when I was little. They had such fancy clothing. I came across this fantastic vintage paperdoll set from Bella Dia. She even has nice winter clothes to keep her nice and warm!

The doll on the front cover is the right size to fit the clothing. You will need to think of a way to attach the clothing, but she will be lots of fun to play with. I am thinking of using contact paper and then putting a little bit of that tacky putty stuff on the back of the pieces. If you have any great ideas, do share :)

These vintage sewing cards are fun too. Just print them on heavy paper and laminate, then punch holes for lots of sewing fun!

It is so cold outside that I think I will stay inside and have fun making this fun Little Project today :) Remember that these are JUST for PERSONAL use. Click HERE for the Free Download (you have to log in, but it is easy and free).

To Give Thanks-Rememberance Day Cards

If you’d like to send a free printed postcard to U.S. Military Personnel stationed overseas, check out this website from Xerox: Let's Say Thanks

Little Projects for Hosting a fun Thanksgiving!

From place mats to day-of activities, here are some FUN LITTLE PROJECTS!

Deck the Table:

Place Mat for kids Make-it
Place Name Cards
Indian Corn Napkin Rings

For dinner conversation, brush up on your Thanksgiving History HERE.
And here is the official Plymoth Plantation site.
The History Channel on Thanksgiving History.

Having kids join you for Thanksgiving? These coloring pages will help keep them busy:
Pilgrim Turkey
Thanksgiving Turkey
Pilgrim/Hat Maze
Thanksgiving Work Search
Harder Thanksgiving Word Search
Pilgrim Paper Doll
Mayflower Happy Thanksgiving!

And coming up: A Little Project for Thanksgiving Jokes for dinner-time smiles. Watch for it soon :)

November Projects!

I love this time of year with the crisp apples and the beautiful fall colors!  I have been busy planning activities already to celebrate.  

Some upcoming posts on This Little Project:

*This Little Project went to Market: A hair bow for your little turkey-oops-I mean little darling!

* This Little Project Stayed Home: An easy way to display and count your blessings.

* This Little Project is for the Kids: A mobile to display your favorite things.

* This Little Project was YUM! A yummy apple dip recipe.

*This Little Project was FUN! A fun Turkey Basket to make.

Be sure to link to us and check back for these and other fun Little Projects :)

Bags of Fun!

Bags are like shoes, it's hard to have too many. So I set about making some new tote bags for my little kiddos. These happen to match their costumes (am I obsessive or something?) My turtle got the turtle bag and my little lady bug got the red bag with spots. Kids love putting things in and out of bags so I am sure they will be well-loved. They were perfect for putting their hoard of treats in!

Want to make your own?
I bought 1/4 yard of red fleece and 1/3 yard of green fleece. Why fleece: no hemming needed!
I used green felt for the turtle and black felt for the spirals, along with black buttons sewn onto the red for spots.

1-Decide on the size of your bag. Cut 2 strips for handles. Cut a rectangle that when folded in half is the size of bag you want.

2-Pin on any decorations and sew them on. Fabric glue can also help hold them in place. I would recommend sewing the decor on if you want the bags to hold up.

3-Pin the handles to the top inside of the bag (make sure they are the same place on both sides.) Then sew across the whole top edge to sew them in place.

4-Fold your rectangle of fleece in half and sew around the two raw edges with right sides together (leaving the top open.)
5-Then turn it right-side out and smile because you are done!

Wasn't that a fun little project!

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