This is a fun way to count your blessings. We just got new photos done for our family and I was so excited put them up! I didn't make this concept up, just gave it a re-do for the holidays. It's perfect for Thanksgiving, but blessings are a year-round thing. So if yours turns out great, leave it out to remind you how blessed you are :)
There are lots of variations on this concept. See below for more ideas.This looks a lot cuter when you can see the photographs. But for the safety of my kiddos I covered them up, of course.
To make This Little Project you will need:9 Binder Clips-These come in at least 3 different sizes. I used the "medium size" and got them colored at Staples.
Stickers Letters (or you could stamp some) for the word: BLESSINGS
Various "decorations" like yarn, ribbon, buttons, etc. to dress up the binder clips with.
Paperclips-I used the cute shaped kind from Staples-I couldn't find them online though?
glue stick
paper to mount to
various other stickers or sayings of your blessings
Photos-I used the wallet size
To make yours:
1-Decide which photos to display and mount them. What other sayings describe your blessings? You could stamp them, write them, or use stickers to create the sayings. Mount them as well. I used a glue stick.
2-Decorate the binder clip in any way you would like (I was lazy and bought them already cute). You could cover them in fun paper of your color choice and add ribbon and buttons to give them some personality.
3-Attach one sticker letter (9 total) of the word, "Blessings" to each binder clip.
4-Decide which order to display your blessings in. You can use paper clips to attach sayings to mounted photos.
5-The photos will sit right inside the metal part of the binder clip. Arrange them as you like and then display!
That was a FUN and EASY Little Project!
There really is no limit to your creativity on this theme. Here are some fun Variations. These are just a few I came up with. Share yours too, by leaving a comment.
Use the word, "
The word, "
LOVE" is perfect for Valentines Day or an anniversary.
Use the letters in your
child's name and then create a collage of photos over the years to display in their room.
Use a
friend's name and make a darling gift!
Use the letters in your
last name-or in someone else's last name to give as a gift
Use the word "
GRANDPARENTS" etc. for a gift idea-put photos of the grandkids in.
MOTHER or FATHER are great for Mother's Day and Father's Day gifts.