On the Move

With family in town, my husband graduating, a newborn, and us moving to a new state I've been absorbed in family needs. I'll be back as soon as we get settled in! Thanks for being patient!

Gift Idea

Here's a fun gift idea that you can personalize for the special people in your life. We made these for Mothers Day.

Here's how to make {This Little Project:}
1-Go to Wordle and type in the words that describe the person you admire. Keep in mind that if you want some words bigger than others you have to type them in multiple times. So I typed "NANA NANA NANA" to make sure it was bigger than the other words. You can customize the font, colors, or randomize it until you get the look you want.
2-Then print onto cardstock
3- Put it into a frame.

4-If you want to add an additional touch, try this: I also made fingerprints of Jay, Kay, and Ellie in sculpy clay (from any craft store) and then glued them to the frame to let them know that they had "touched" our life in a special way.

It's an easy gift that can be personalized for a special teacher, friend, parent, or for Father's Day coming up! It's a meaningful and inexpensive way to share some love :)

Cinco de Mayo

My husband graduated this week! It's been a lot of fun to have family in town and so many festivities. We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with some friends we will miss when we move in a few weeks. The {Little Project} we made to celebrate was this penguin pinata.

To make {This Little Project} you need:
a balloon
newspaper or a magazine ripped into pieces
paste made from 2 parts water to 1 part flour (with a pinch of salt)
xacto knife
treats or prizes
1)Tie the yarn so that it fits over the inflated balloon with a little extra to hang it by.
2)Then wet the pieces of ripped paper in the paste. Put a layer under the yarn and a layer over the yarn as you go.
3) Cover the entire balloon this way.
4) Let dry overnight (we used a fan to speed the process).
5) Paint the character on and let dry.
6) Use a xacto knife to make a small opening in the balloon to put the prizes in through. (This will pop it.)
7) Add paper wings, beak, and feet, etc.
8) Put treats/surprises inside and tape the whole closed.
9) Use this fun day to teach your children about the Mexico culture.
10) Play to get the treats out!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
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