Sour Cream Apple Pie.
The recipe comes from an old friend of my mother's. Every time I serve it people ask for the recipe. So here we go!
(I'll give you an easy pie crust recipe to go with it too-down at the end.)

You need 3 cups of apples-peeled and cored. {Little Project Tip:} If you don't have one of those handy little things the slicing and coring for you just cut around as you go-see photo. It's faster than cutting into 4's and slicing the seeds out. Plus you end up with nice small pieces.

Sour Cream Apple Pie Recipe:

{Little Project Tip:} I think it's easier to peel the apple in one long peel going around and around. But that's just me. I love adding such a cheery bit of color to the compost pile-but that's just me too!

Sour Cream Apple Pie Recipe:
2 eggs beaten
1 cup sour cream
1 cup sugar
2 T flour
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
3 cups apples (peeled/cored and sliced)
Crumble for top of pie:
3 T. butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup flour

Directions: Combine eggs and sour cream. Add sugar. Then add flour, vanilla, and salt. Apples go in last.
Pour into an unbaked pie crust (see recipe below) and bake for 15 minutes at 375 degrees. Then sprinkle with the brown sugar crumble and finish baking 20-25 minutes
So many people are afraid of making pie crust. I love this recipe because it always turns out and it's so EASY!
Pie Crust Recipe:
2 1/2 cups flour
1 cup shortening
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
1 T white vinegar
1/4 cup water
Just throw all the ingredients in your Kitchen Aid or Bosch and it turns out great.
(makes three 9 inch crusts or four 8 inch)
To roll it out, start with a ball of dough and sandwich it between two layers of wax paper. Roll and then release each side of the paper and roll again as needed. If it sticks too much to the wax paper sprinkle a tiny bit of flour. It gets easier each time you do it.
One other {Little Project Tip}: I use enough wax paper that I have some extra hanging over the edge of the table or counter so that I can lean against it to keep it from moving around as I roll.

Enjoy This YUMMY Little Project! It's best served warm, but it's great the next day too :)

Trust me, it's the best!

Love you for this recipe! I'll be trying it out at Thanksgiving! I made one a while ago with pears and cranberries in it too and it was great!
Hope you're doing well!
This is our family favorite too! We eat it for Thanksgiving and throughout the year. It's that good.
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