Friday Favorites and Freebies-Easter!

Since the coming week is the celebration of sacred events, I thought I would share some printables to set the mood.

{Little Project Tip:} My color printer isn't fantastic so I take my printables like these to Staples for 50 cent color copies.  They look beautiful all framed and they don't cost as much as printing them as photos.

Here's a free printable with lots of color choices for you from todaysfabulousfinds.

This is beautiful too! Find it at ladybirdin.

This one is a mix-up.  Lots of fun at valfrazier.

Love this Amazing Grace, also available in other colors at madiganmade.

Love this printable from autielolocrafts! And there are lots of color choices!

Many thanks to dollarstorecrafts for great printable links!

Happy Friday!

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