And since we're on the subject of reading, if you're hoping your kiddos remember what they've learned at school during the summer break, you may want to check out classroomfreebies.com. There are lots of great teaching and learning tools there for teachers and parents alike so you can keep their skills fresh.
I read the most interesting article about animal fats this week. I don't consider myself a health nut at all, but I do like to learn about how food interacts with the body so I can make healthy choices for our family.
If you're interested in learning about different kinds fats and which kinds are good for you, check out this article. You'll find lots of interesting side-links inside the article if you want to explore more...it's certainly "food for thought."
And, while we are on the subject of food, I have a yummy summer breakfast recipe to share and a tip I learned this week at a friend's Pampered Chef party. Did you know that cheese in the block form is way better for you than shredded cheese from the store? Compare the labels. I'll be shredding my own from now on :)
And, now that it's finally warming up here I'm so excited to try out this recipe for yummy Refridgerator Oatmeal.
Go check it out!
Yum, easy, and good for you too!

Have a great weekend!

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