Some of our projects are just {little projects}. But I feel like a lot of our projects are more like, " little-by-little" projects. That's how I feel about our Family Preparedness Project.
I've shared some thoughts before about {this little project} since it's the ongoing kind. Since September is National Preparedness Month here in the USA and with hurricane Irene we have a fresh reminder of how life can change very quickly. Being prepared is a {little project} that helps us all weather life's storms better.

For instance, I was recently reading about Brandy's experience of feeding her family for two years while her husband was out of a job and how important her pantry became to her. Talk about pulling on your heart strings. Wondering how you will be able to feed your children from day to day is a totally different kind of stress than wondering what you might make for dinner.
We moved into our home just over a year ago and I've been so excited to graduate from our DIY pantry to a real pantry! For Christmas I wanted storage containers for all our dried fruits, nuts, flour, sugar, etc. Not only does it feel great to have an organized pantry, but it is a rewarding experience to have some extra on hand so we aren't so completely tied to the grocery store.
If you are new to the idea of having extra on hand, a pantry is a great way to start. I love having a "mini grocery store" in my home so that if I change my mind on what to make for dinner I don't have to run to the store. To begin I just bought a few extras of the things our family eats regularly. With some dedicated shelf space it's not too hard to work your way up to having one month and then two or three months of food on hand in your pantry. It's a {little project} that will give you peace of mind.

The world is an unpredictable place but you can make your home feel more secure. Whenever I wonder about if {this little project} is worth the effort I think of stories like Brandy's. I want to be able to feed my family if our circumstances were to suddenly change. And little by little, {this little project} is coming together.
If you are thinking that your family could use a little family preparedness project too, I also want to share with you an article with 1 preparedness idea for each day of September. Following one or many of the ideas will get you a little closer to your goal. And with it being National Preparedness Month, now is a great time to begin!

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