This year is our first year with the {Little} People Christmas Nativity Playset
and our {little} ones (especially Ellie) have really enjoyed it.
I have to admit that the best part for me has been watching them interact with it.
I have to admit that the best part for me has been watching them interact with it.
The other day I came in to find this scene:

It looks like the wise men took a couple of cars today, instead of camels to see the Christ child.
It made me think. How do we come to Him? And how can we see Him more in the everyday?
I'm sitting here holding my brand new baby boy and thinking and
pondering on so many blessings. It's a special blessing to have a brand
new baby boy at this time of year.
There's a very real chance to think about another baby boy born in a manger so long ago and yet so real now. And that baby being born means everything to you because He made it possible for you to hold your baby boy forever. That miracle is so precious to me.
And I've been witnessing my children adore Him as they talk about Christmas and what it really means.
This month we are learning about Sacrifice: the giving up of something
important to you for something even better.
Our {little} ones earn plastic coins for doing their responsibilities each week and usually these coins can be traded for things in our "treasure box" at the end of the week (more about that {little project} later.)
But in December we decided to use them to "buy" toys for kids who don't have them.
Our {little} ones earn plastic coins for doing their responsibilities each week and usually these coins can be traded for things in our "treasure box" at the end of the week (more about that {little project} later.)
But in December we decided to use them to "buy" toys for kids who don't have them.
It's been a challenge for the kids to buy things out of the box for someone else when it is a toy they would like to have themselves. At first they didn't want to spend any coins. Then Jay saw Kay start to spend her coins to buy the toys until hers were all gone. Her generosity inspired him. He started giving up his coins to get toys for other kids too. Until his coins were all gone. Then he said to me, "Mom, I sacrificed all that I had!"
O come let us adore Him!
A little boy and little girl who understand what a sacrifice is and that
it feels good to do something for someone else. It has made this year a
different kind of Merry Christmas. A Christmas that is more real.
And all the while, I've been watching them adore our {little} baby M.
Jay asked me if he could play the violin for him. And I watched, knowing that He is looking on, pleased.
And my boy who is in love with every creature that He made brought a butterfly to baby M so he could hold the {little} treasure too.
This {little} butterfly is a winter miracle.
Jay brought some caterpillars inside this fall and two escaped their container and made their chrysalis inside our house without us knowing. We discovered two butterflies flying around the kitchen in the middle of the winter!
A butterfly miracle. In our own home.
A perfect reminder of the change that His life makes possible for us
as we learn to be like Him.

It doesn't matter "how" we come to him--whether it's on a camelor walking with sheep,
or in a car,
or with new wings,
or with some plastic coins and toys that are for someone else.
It only matters that we find Him.
Everyday. In the everyday.
My {little} ones are finding Him. And showing me.
Having a newborn at Christmastime has meant slowing down.
The kind of slowing down that leaves time to think about Him while I take care of my own baby boy.
And a {little} child shall lead them.... O come let us adore Him!
or in a car,
or with new wings,
or with some plastic coins and toys that are for someone else.
It only matters that we find Him.
Everyday. In the everyday.
My {little} ones are finding Him. And showing me.
Having a newborn at Christmastime has meant slowing down.
The kind of slowing down that leaves time to think about Him while I take care of my own baby boy.
And a {little} child shall lead them.... O come let us adore Him!
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. ~Matthew 19:14
Enjoy these wonderful Bible videos.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!!

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