Bags are like shoes, it's hard to have too many. So I set about making some new tote bags for my little kiddos. These happen to match their costumes (am I obsessive or something?) My turtle got the turtle bag and my little lady bug got the red bag with spots. Kids love putting things in and out of bags so I am sure they will be well-loved. They were perfect for putting their hoard of treats in!
Want to make your own?
I bought 1/4 yard of red fleece and 1/3 yard of green fleece. Why fleece: no hemming needed!
I used green felt for the turtle and black felt for the spirals, along with black buttons sewn onto the red for spots.
1-Decide on the size of your bag. Cut 2 strips for handles. Cut a rectangle that when folded in half is the size of bag you want.
2-Pin on any decorations and sew them on. Fabric glue can also help hold them in place. I would recommend sewing the decor on if you want the bags to hold up.
3-Pin the handles to the top inside of the bag (make sure they are the same place on both sides.) Then sew across the whole top edge to sew them in place.
4-Fold your rectangle of fleece in half and sew around the two raw edges with right sides together (leaving the top open.)
5-Then turn it right-side out and smile because you are done!
Wasn't that a fun little project!

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