
I have really enjoyed reviewing things with my family and sharing them with readers on This Little Project.

It's a fun Little Project for us  :)

If you have a product or book that you think would be of interest for the This Little Project audience, please email: thislittleproject(at)gmail(dot)com

If you are interested in advertising on This Little Project please email: thislittleproject(at)gmail(dot)com

Gift Ideas

It's fun to create for family and friends. Below are some simple, fun, and thoughtful gift ideas.

For the latest gift ideas, subscribe to to This Little Project to receive updates right to your email or reader. 

Say Hello

Email: thislittleproject( at) gmail (dot) com

Do you have a great Little Project Idea to share? Have you made something featured here? Show it off! Send an email and/or add it to the flickr group (see right sidebar for link). Thanks for sharing your great Little Projects!

If you email, please keep it nice...I don't want to have a bad day :) Thanks for saying Hello!

Thank you for your comments! They make my day!

Little Project Shop

The shop is taking a vacation.  Check back again soon!


I love Little Projects.  This Little Project is dedicated to celebrating creativity, ideas and the fun it is to complete a project. I am a stay-at-home mom of 3 kiddos and we always are making a fun "mess." It's great to create!

Creation is a beautiful thing. It's meaningful. I love this little video about why creating is a gift.

Tips and Tricks

A collection of {Little Projects} that seem more like Tips and Tricks.  Just for you.

An easy and inexpensive way to add an in-home art gallery of the great artists

Making Little Friends

How to Build a Village and the swimming pool

Music Notes

I've been a musician for as long as I can remember and graduated in Piano Performance and Pedagogy. I've taught for we make a lot of music at our house. Be sure to subscribe to our blog and you will receive updates right to your email. Here are a few of our Little Music Projects

Alphabet Cake Walk

How to Make Homemade Maracas
Play A Story This idea uses your favorite children's books as music books--a favorite of small children!

find out how to make the magic happen:

Educational Games

We love Little Learning Projects. Be sure to subscribe to our blog and you will receive all the updates right to your email in-box. Here are a few of our favorite learning games:

Where in the World?

Memory Game (after the hunt)

Make your own ABC Puzzle

Counting Train Number Puzzle

Map Munching Game

Alphabet Cake Walk

Rhyme Time Game

Book Nook

We love to Read around her! Jay taught himself to read at 2 years we love letters around here. More fun to come so be sure to stop by again. Here are a few of our favorites :)

How To make a BOOK from ONE piece of Paper

Teaching Kids to LOVE the EARTH

The Book Boxes

Beautiful Bookmarks to create as seen HERE
great gift idea too :)

Favorite Little Projects

A few of our FAVORITE things :) Click the link to view the post.

Lunch Puzzles
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