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Email: thislittleproject( at) gmail (dot) com

Do you have a great Little Project Idea to share? Have you made something featured here? Show it off! Send an email and/or add it to the flickr group (see right sidebar for link). Thanks for sharing your great Little Projects!

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Thank you for your comments! They make my day!


Buckeroomama said...

What a great site! I'm getting lots of super ideas for my two kids here.

Grabbed your button!

emegren said...

I am loving your blog! It started with the mini book from one piece of cardstock and went crazy from there. I am looking forward to doing lots of your project ideas! Grabbed your button, too! Thanks!

Karen said...

OMG!!! If I like your other blog...I just LOVE THIS ONE!!! So wonderful ideas, named!!! Thank you for share them!!! JUST BEAUTIFUL.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your wonderful posts!
I have passed this Versatile Blog Award to you -


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your wonderful posts!
I have passed this Versatile Blog Award to you -


Mandy Burton said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. I wish we had gotten more time in Bloomington to spend together. Glad to see that you're family is doing well, and how could they not though with you taking care of them. Thanks so much for all of your ideas. I wish they were all published in a book so I could easily flip through all of the projects. I'm doing a little Mardi Gras celebration next Tuesday for the kids. Any ideas on activities and games we can do? I have a few planned already but I thought I would see if you have any fun ideas. Thanks!


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