Farm Rich Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Tara!  
She is the winner of the Farm Rich Giveaway!
You are in for some yumminess!

Patriotic Geography Music Fun!

I'm writing over at today to share some fun ideas with music and movement 
to inspire geography learning for {little} people.

 abc button
Also, the Farm Rich Giveaway ends tonight! 
Don't forget to enter to win your grocery vouchers!

Father's Day Photo Baby Announcement

Remember how I said I was working on a {little} Father's Day photo shoot idea that I couldn't share before the big day?

Well, here is what my husband and I both sent to our fathers:

Both grandpas were big fans of their gift!  This gift has been in the oven already for 15 weeks.  And there are many areas of our life that have been showing signs of baby sickness slackerness.  Like how my sidebar still has Earth Day ideas.  And I have taken some long breaks from posting.  There's only so much a mom can do when she doesn't feel good.  Luckily, that part is starting to pass.  

Jay, Kay, and Ellie are very excited to have {little} baby coming to our family in December.   Babies are so very small, but they're not really a {little} project!  We can't wait to meet this new {little} person!

I used the My Memories Suite (that we had a giveaway for a little while ago) to create the photo above.  I also recently used it for Jay's solo violin/piano recital invite.  I'm finding it's so much more useful than just for scrapbooking. 
Feel free to use this code (STMMMS60806)
for $10 off when purchasing this suite!

I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating the special men in your life too!

 P.S. Don't forget to enter the Farm Rich Giveaway!  I can't tell you how great these snacks are for when you don't feel like cooking and want to eat something yummy!

Farm Rich Giveaway!!!


I'm excited to share a yummy giveaway with you today!  Our family recently tried out 2 of the Farm Rich products for the first time.  I don't know how we missed this yumminess before!

I teach piano lessons in the evenings and dinnertime can be a challenge sometimes.  I love having something easy and still wholesome for our family on a late evening.   Farm Rich products are the perfect helper to have waiting in your freezer.  Our family loved both the mozzarella bites and the cheese sticks.

When I asked everyone which was the favorite?
My husband and both my girls were big fans of the mozzarella bites.
 Jay and I loved the cheese sticks.
But everything was GONE at the end of dinner so it was all yummy!
The mozzarella bites are yummy pizza dough with yummy mozzarella cheese inside.
 The cheese sticks are breaded on the outside.  To me the cheese sticks are nostalgic.  They bring back college memories.  I loved them ;)

Farm Rich products are available in the grocery store freezer section.
Farm Rich offers many yummy snacks:
Stuffed Pretzel Bites
 French Toast Sticks
and Mini Quesadillas to name a few!

Our Giveaway winner will receive 2 vouchers (up to $6.99 for each) for yummy Farm Rich products.

Here's how to enter!
Please leave a SEPARATE comment for each entry.
If you already "like" just let me know with a comment.
No emails please.

1.  "Like" Farm Rich on Facebook

2. Tell me which Farm Rich product(s) you would love to have in your freezer.

3. "Like" This Little Project on Facebook

4. Follow This Little Project on Pinterest (I'm finally there!)

The Farm Rich Giveaway will close on June 25th at midnight.  The winner will be announced June 26th.

You must be a "follower" on This Little Project to win (see right sidebar).

Good Luck!

Father's Day Gift Ideas

Some of the best gifts are the ones that you can't buy.  Which is why I love this Father's Day/Grandpa's Day Packet at the TpT Store.  It's free to download and the kids can say all their "darndest things" and we can remember them!  It's a fun way to honor Dad and Grandpa.

Father's Day Newspaper Project: My Dad Rules! image 3
I also love these cards found at Etsy.
Father's Day card - Daddy's Little Guy - Father and Son greeting card Father's Day card - Daddy's Little Girl, father daughter greeting card - simple black, white, red heart
And if you are up for a quick {little} gift, these wallets are easy and quick to make!

 We did a D.A.D. Photo shoot last year for our Dad with each child holding a letter.  I'm working on a variation of that this year.  But, to keep surprises I'll have to share later!
For more handmade gift ideas, check out this Father's Day Round-up from the archives.
I love having a special day to honor the wonderful men in our lives.  
Our Dad and Grandpas mean everything to us!

A {little} playhouse--YUM!

If you come over to visit, you might be invited to have a treat here:


Last summer I took an extra/odd space (a little bigger than a closet) and hung a sheet across the front of it.  I cut windows and a door made a "playhouse" there.  It's been a favorite {little project} ever since.


But it needed a name.  And the "yum yum house" is what it became.  Sometimes it's a restaurant and sometimes it's a {little} playhouse with a kid kitchen.  But there's always food involved!


The kids love having their own {little} space.  It's a hideout.  It's a kids-only place.

But it was messy.  
I needed a {little} cabinet that wouldn't overwhelm the size of the space.

And I found it on the side of the road.
We've lived in this city for 2 years and I still think it's weird to be driving down the street and see what people just leave out: couches, tv's, doors, windows, you name it.
  In our town you don't have to dispose of anything yourself, you just put it out for the city to pick up.  And often it finds a new home first.  Weird.  And kinda fun too, I guess.

It's always nice to get the perfect {little} thing for free!


This cabinet is totally kid-sized perfection--the perfect height and size!  My daughter, Kay loves to organize.  She was so excited to finally get this {little} space settled, that she was practically glowing!

Cups, pans, spoons, and aprons all found their places: 

I've had making felt food on my to-do list for 2 years.  And it just isn't going to happen any time soon.  So I broke down and bought fake plastic food.  We organized it by food types: fruits, veggies, bread/breakfast, and junk.  We may as well got those down while playing, right?

These "candy bins" from Hobby Lobby (last summer) were perfect for the food because they are clear.

To give you an idea for the size of the space, you can see the edge of the wall on the right, that's where the curtain hangs down to define the space.  Sometimes they move the table inside, sometimes it's out :)


The window is a favorite feature, and they deliver food right through it to the table!

 This {little} project turned out just right: very yummy and lots of fun!

Friday Favorites and Freebies!

Happy Friday!  
With summer upon us, I want to start off by sharing a few favorite freebies for summer learning fun.  With our Book It! pizza program ending, I was thinking about how our summer reading goals would work.  Did you know that Barnes and Noble has a summer reading program where the kids can earn a {free} book?
Check it out here.

Summer Reading Program

And since we're on the subject of reading, if you're hoping your kiddos remember what they've learned at school during the summer break, you may want to check out  There are lots of great teaching and learning tools there for teachers and parents alike so you can keep their skills fresh.
 I read the most interesting article about animal fats this week.  I don't consider myself a health nut at all, but I do like to learn about how food interacts with the body so I can make healthy choices for our family. 
If you're interested in learning about different kinds fats and which kinds are good for you, check out this article.  You'll find lots of interesting side-links inside the article if you want to explore's certainly "food for thought."

And, while we are on the subject of food, I have a yummy summer breakfast recipe to share and a tip I learned this week at a friend's Pampered Chef party.  Did you know that cheese in the block form is way better for you than shredded cheese from the store?  Compare the labels.  I'll be shredding my own from now on :)

And, now that it's finally warming up here I'm so excited to try out this recipe for yummy Refridgerator Oatmeal.

Go check it out! 
Yum, easy, and good for you too!

Have a great weekend!
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