Friday Favorites and Freebies

Happy Friday!! Enjoy these great Freebies and Favorites for this week!

If you love to make cupcakes as much as I do, you will love having this cute wrapper template on hand from Domestic Goddess Adventures.

If you are lucky enough to travel with your kids again before school starts, check out these great (free!) downloadable travel games from Prepared Not Scared.

Here's a fun site for kids to explore and learn all about the weather.

I love the idea of this make-in-a-day kids picnic table!

And finally, here is a great line-up of online ways for your kids to practice those typing skills (and have fun!) from Five J's.


1 comment:

Leptir (NataĊĦa) said...

Hi there :-)
I have The Versatile Blogger Award for you on my blog:

Please check it out!

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