I Spy Ornaments-Gift for Kids

We have a family tradition of making homemade gifts. There is something special that goes into something you make for a certain someone.

This I Spy Ornament is fun to give for lots of ages!
To make {This Little Project} you will need:
  • A clear plastic ornament that is fillable (ours were from Hobby Lobby)
  • ribbon for hanger
  • miniature ornaments or other small things (like shaped buttons) to put inside
  • "snow" is polypellets (like inside a bean bag chair or try plastic "snow" from the craft store)
  • paper to write the "list" of what you put inside so it can be found
  • super glue (to hold it closed once you are done)
Make your list of what is inside then put the items in one half of the ornament. Cover with "snow" then put a little glue around the outside and attach the other half. Punch a whole in your list and attach it with the ribbon hanger.
Easy and FUN!

Have fun give something YOU made JUST for THEM!


Ticia said...

that is a cool idea.

elspeth said...

My girls are loving their ornaments. Thanks for the gift!

Jedda said...

I'm glad they like them. I should get around to making some for J and K ;)

Waseem said...

I like them...cool idea...I appreciate you share it.

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