Spanish Popcorn

Do you ever feel like your kids need an incentive to accomplish something?

{This Little Project} is not about "bribing," (because we moms never do that--hehe) it's about celebrating a good behavior.

The behavior we are celebrating at our house right now is speaking Spanish, though I think this idea would work for a lot of other things.

Here is how our Spanish Popcorn set-up started out:

We've been working on learning Spanish as a family for awhile.  
The problem is: it can feel like work!

  Kay especially has not quite "caught the spirit" of trying to speak spanish.  Rather than memorize words she likes to just make her own up and tells me that she's speaking Spanish!  We all needed a reason to work a little harder.

So I came up with {This Little Project} to encourage us all:
A popcorn seed for every spanish word we speak.

And what do all those popcorn seeds add up to?

A Popcorn Party!

You need quite a few seeds to have a good party so it's good motivation for us.

{This Little Project} started out with a trip to the invention box for some plastic bottles, and then some monogrammed paper punches for Jay, Kay, and Mom.  Ellie doesn't say much in any language that we can understand so we'll add her later.

Each morning at the end of our morning devotional we learn a few words to try and say throughout the day.  One day we had the word, "abajo" which means down.  The kids said it for every step they took going down the stairs and coming down from every jump on the trampoline.  That was more enthusiasm than I expected! 

Here's our progress after our first day:

I'm looking forward to {This Little Project} being a fun ongoing project that will let us try lots of yummy popcorn recipes-yay!  
Oh, and learning Spanish is good too.

sharing here too:

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Annette said...

Great idea! I wonder if this would help with our Latin...

Unknown said...

Popcorn would be ahuge motivator around here...why didn't I think of that.

Vicky @ Mess For Less said...

What a cute motivator! You'll have enough for a great popcorn party soon.
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