Handmade Holidays @ This Little Project

A handmade gift is just extra special.

That's why we're celebrating handmade gift-giving 
at {this little project} and we want your projects and ideas!

Link up your handmade {little project} in the linky below to help celebrate this special time of year with a fun collection of handmade ideas.

 Get ready to be inspired!  
Thanks for joining in the "handmade holiday" fun!

To join in the linky below, please follow these guidelines:

-Please share a {little project} that is handmade.  Links to stores are not allowed.

-To share your {little project} please use a direct link to your post, not your homepage.

- Put the "handmade holidays @ this little project" button link (found in the code box above) in the html of your page post so others can come and be inspired too!

- If it you come back and your page is missing, check to see you have followed the guidelines.

- Try to visit at least 3 other project links and spread the comment love!

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