Butterfly Learning Fun

Originally shared at abcand123learning.com

We are enjoying a lot of butterfly fun at our house right now.  We rescued a monarch from the middle of the road this past week and have been watching a friend raise some monarchs from egg to chrysalis.  Today I want to share some ideas that go along with that beautiful transformation from caterpillar to butterfly that will get you MOVING and enjoying MUSIC too!


My kids and I have been hanging out at our local butterfly exhibit.  We can't get enough of them...
It's a miracle every time!

This movie shows the transformation of of a butterfly from an egg to a monarch butterfly.  It's perfect to watch before learning and singing the songs below.


 This movie is a song about the life cycle of a butterfly, with pictures.  It's short and easy for young kids to sing.  (Note: usually the "house"a butterfly makes is referred to as a chrysalis and the one a moth makes is a cocoon.) 


We made some fun Butterfly Finger Puppets to fly around the room.


By using pieces from a glove they are easy to make and slip on little fingers.


For directions to make yours, go here.

Here is another song about the butterfly life cycle-no pictures, but the kids would love coloring this one to go with it.  Just cut out each piece and glue to it a popsicle stick and hold it up for each part of the song.


I love this way of acting out the life cycle.  You just need a blanket, some butterfly wings, and some "leaves to eat".  This is a wonderful way to incorporate movement into learning.


 A Snack Craft! is a fun way to do some hands-on learning.  This gummy worm is the caterpillar and then the kids turn him into a butterfly.  For peanut allergies, substitute marshmallow cream for the peanut butter spread. Directions here.


How do you learn about butterflies and the world around you?
I love to hear your ideas!

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