WINNER!! Shabby Apple Giveaway!

A big congratulations goes to Shanny, winner of the Shabby Apple $50 gift card!

Check your email for details Shanny!!
The 10% off code for polka dot dresses is good for the rest of the month!
Just use the code: pokadot10off


JackStone said...

Congratulations Shanny on the new apple phone, I wish I also won this kind of grand price once in my life, btw I'm here to look for a University Assignment Help for my assignment project so please let me know if you know someone who can help me out.

Harry kevin said...

Congratulations, everyone wants to get apple phone, and I am one of them, and I got one when I Need Someone To Do My Assignment, I got much from online, and get best results, after my family bought an iphone for me.

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