Organizing The Peanut Gallery

This project has been part of my 2009 Resolution to get more organized. If you have an artist at your house you know how all that art work can pile up! I was looking for a way to celebrate creativity and praise my artist with a built-in rotation system for our Peanut Gallery. I decided to tame our paper piles with some pegs, metallic twine, and some clips, since these were things I already had around the house.

I used this configuration of a "V" to capitalize on this corner wall in his bedroom. We get more hanging space this way. I had just 3 pegs. You see all of his art right as you walk in. It's lots of fun and it only took about 10 minutes! The Peanut Gallery can only hold so much. So in order to put new things up we have to purge or preserve.

I preserve by taking pictures of my favorites with my digital camera. Then I can use them as a screen saver and we still can enjoy them!
Some art I keep. I date it and put it right into page protectors in his journal/scrapbook. Easy. Done!

This is an easy project to make your artist feel like a million bucks!


elspeth said...

We always tape them to the fridge. Jocelyn usually doesn't keep them there for long, so they nearly all get purged by her. I really like the camera idea. I haven't been scrapbooking to be able to perserve. With the picture it can wait around until I can get to it without getting smushed!

jk said...

We love art cords around here! All the kids have them to hang artwork on in their rooms, but...hmmm... maybe I need onw by my desk too and in the kitchen...and...

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