new look Little BLOG Project

Sara at has been busy creating a new DESIGN look for This Little Project. I'm hoping you will like the new look. If you are looking for something and can't find it, please leave a comment. It should be up and running soon.


asapp said...

Love the new graphics and look!

Summers Family said...

love the new look, and I can't remember if I ever said thanks for the prize. the kids love the little wooden people.
you used to have a list down the side of all the different things you did, are you going to do that again? i really liked looking at it since i wasn't sure what my crafting options always were - you have so much, but i can't look through ALL of it :-)
Thanks again for all your work and your example as a great mom. you really don't know how much you have influenced me for the good.

Net said...

Love the new look. Thanks for all the ideas. Keep them coming.

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