MORE Edible Finger Puppets

We made these edible finger puppets for Family Night and the kiddos thought it was really fun to try and make their finger puppet look like them.  They are easy to make and tasty to eat!

Here is what you need: peanut butter (or honey) to use as the "glue" to hold the eyes (mini chocolate chips), hair (colored with sprinkles), and mouth (different shaped sprinkles) on.  Then of course you need some bananas and pretzels too!

For smaller kids, it helps if you put the peanut butter on and they just "decorate" their yummy finger puppet.  Mine loved to choose the colors out especially.

To make your edible finger puppets:
I just used the top and bottom of the bananas for our finger puppets.
Spread the peanut butter like it is glue and then use your sprinkles and mini chocolate chips to bring your banana finger puppet to life!
I used the middles to stand up the ones that were done while we made a few more.  Just don't leave them sticking into the banana for too long because the pretzel gets mushy :)

If you missed our other edible finger puppets, go HERE

This Little Project was tasty! Can you see any family resemblance?

1 comment: said...

LOL! I love that hair! So much fun, I'll be linking.

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