Thank you all for your caring words. My husband was able to come home after 5 days at the hospital. The day before his emergency (unable to breathe) I was working on our "Gratitude Tree." I cut it out of fabric (a 25 cent thrift store shirt-I love repurposing!) so that we can use it from year to year. The idea is that we would be able to write things we are grateful for on the leaves of the tree. I had no idea that the tree would not go up because of a near-death experience, but it seems all the more meaningful now. My first leaf on the tree was "Daddy is home." What a great BIG blessing!
Here's how the Gratitude Tree came to life:
2-Cut out tree top from newspaper (free hand) and lay it on brown shirt. I did have to cut the shirt arm seams to get the fabric to lay straight enough.
3- Here is the top of the tree
4-Here it is on the wall. I just used some handi-tac (you know that rubber/gum feeling stuff that you can use instead of tape) to stick it to the wall.
5- Jay decided that since we had seen so many birds lately we needed some in the tree. I just used cereal boxes for our pattern and we went crazy with the birds. I'll try and get the pattern up for you to use...

6-Then we added our leaves with our blessings written on them to the tree. We'll add a few each day this month.
This little tree has been a bright spot in our home. It's certainly a reminder of how precious life is. I'm grateful for you who stop by to say hello. My family and our Little Projects fill my life with fulness and joy. Enjoy counting your blessings!

This is amazing! It looks great and it's so BIG. We're deciding what our thanksgiving traditions this year are going to be. Thanks for sharing and please post any other ideas you have.
It was like he was not alone after all, and nature was with him. It also made him feel healthy, and every time I visit, he always wears this happy smile on his face. Tree Trimming
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