Watermelon Stamping (TrEAT!)

For the July 4th holiday I had fun using star cookie cutters to make fun-shaped watermelon slices. We will definitely do this again-any shape would be fun and kids LOVE to help make and to EAT them!

For {This Little Project}, simply cut the watermelon into slices no thicker than 1 inch.

To get the most shapes out of each slice, use a variety of sizes of cookie cutters. This set had 4 sizes of stars.

Arrange your shaped cookie cutters on the slice and then push them down to stamp out the shape.

Trim the extra bits from and save to eat later.
Share and Enjoy your Summer TrEAT!


Gidget Girl Reading said...

looks so yummy I love watermelon

I have an award for you over at butterfly wishes and wonderland dreams

Mom of one said...

Totally awesome !!!

Karima said...

Hi, saw your post on pinterest and was totally inpspired! I have featured your post on my own blog sharing the credit to you. Karima :) http://www.karimascrafts.com/2011/08/watermelon-men.html
Please pop by, your newest gfc follower.

Jenny Bay said...

so awesome!!! what a cute idea!

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