How to Make a {little} Tie Onesie

With Baby M making his appearance sometime in the coming month, I have been sewing a bunch of {little} things for him.  {This little project} is a tie onesie for him to wear to church.  

I made a few--not because there are triplets coming or that he needs that many--but because 3 of my sister-in-laws are having boys too!  It's going to be fun to have a big pack of boy cousins the same age!  
Which brings me to another point: these {little} shirts make great gifts!  And they really are a {little project} so you will be able to whip them out fast!
How to make {this little project}
 You need:
Steam-a-seam or Heat and bond (an iron-on material)
fabric for tie
onesie (or shirt)
needle/thread/sewing machine (optional)

1- I cut a piece of paper in half and cut a tie shape (I just eye balled it).  Then unfolded it.  That way both sides are the same. I cut a little round part out of the very top so it would go around the rounded neck nicely.
2- use your paper pattern to cut the tie shape from your  fabric.  {this little project} was repurposed from a T-shirt!  The knit fabric from a T-shirt doesn't fray and is soft for baby.  
3- Put your cut out fabric tie on one of the sticky sides of your iron-on material (I used steam-a-seam).  It should also be sticky on the other side so you can iron it on but don't pull the paper off on that side until you cut out the tie pattern.
4- Cut around the tie pattern.
5- Pull the back paper off and place your cut-out tie/iron-on onto your onesie and iron on according to package directions.
6- You can be done there, or you can stitch around the tie.  I always stitch around it because I like the finished look it gives and it makes the ironed-on part look nice for longer (through multiple washes).

Now go dress up your handsome {little} guy!

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