We made some of these Flower Power Rings and stems to send to my Grandma a few weeks ago when my Grandpa passed away. We wanted to send flowers that wouldn't die and this is what we came up with. They are also perfect for May day and Mother's Day too (and would be a fun sleepover or birthday craft too!)
You might remember that we made some of these little hand candies back in Februrary for Valentine's Day too. If you want to see how to give them some bling, check out that post HERE.
Here are a couple of ideas for your flower designs. You can make them whatever size works for your project-some are shown with the middle cut out-but DON'T DO THAT for making this project :)

To make the Flower Power Rings you will need: chenille stems, buttons, scissors, and felt (jewels and hot glue are optional-see Valentine's post above)

To make the Flower Power Rings you will need: chenille stems, buttons, scissors, and felt (jewels and hot glue are optional-see Valentine's post above)
After you cut out your felt flowers you will use the scissors to cut small slits on the left and right side of each flower. Then thread the chenille stem through the felt slit and the button like this:

After you are about half way through, put the stem through the other side of the button and then through the other slit in the felt flowers like this:

Here is what it looks like if you add a green leaf to the ring:

Here is what it looks like if you add a green leaf to the ring:
Now just wrap the remainder of the chenille stems around your finger (we did spirals) and there is your Flower Power ring-perfect for welcoming SPRING!

To make them into flowers instead, you only need to cut one slit in the middle of each felt flower. Thread the chenille stem back down the same slit and wrap the end around the stem of the flower to hold it in place.
To make them into flowers instead, you only need to cut one slit in the middle of each felt flower. Thread the chenille stem back down the same slit and wrap the end around the stem of the flower to hold it in place.
{Little Project Tip:} You can kind of tell from this photo (I tried!) that I thread the green stem down through the felt leaves and then up through the lower one again and pull it tight to hold the leaves in place. Otherwise they slide around and can fall off.
To make a display of your beauties just put some pinto beans in a little pot and arrange your flower power stems. They will brighten up any room (and can be made to match your color of decor if desired) and they won't die.
Grandma loved This Little Project, hope you do too :)
Aww, I love this! And the story of their creation is so, so sweet. I'll be linking.
Jedda, Grandma sure did love the flowers you sent her. These are so cute.
I left some awards for you at my blog. ;o)
Hey Jedda,
I'm going to link this activity in my next SMMART ART post:) It should post end of this month, beginning of next:)
I love this...All the flowers are fantastic.
Send Flowers Pakistan
Send Flowers Pakistan
Send Flowers Pakistan
Hmmm - this will be a fun project for both 4 year olds to do with me on a rainy day. They are both into girly stuff - bracelets, necklaces, headbands, etc...
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