Easy Ornaments

We made a fun ornament just before Christmas that I have to share. Yes, I know it's after Christmas now, but there's always next year :)

For {This Little Project} all you need is: a styrofoam ball, plastic pony beads, curling or other ribbon, and 1/2 of a chenille stem.

To make yours:
1-The pony beads push right into the styrofoam ball and stay pretty well (as long as you use it as an ornament, not a ball :)

2-Tape the curling ribbon around the ball and secure at the top and the bottom.

3-Adult: Use a kabob skewer or other handy sharp thing to poke a little hole into the top of the styrofoam ball where the ribbon crosses for the chenille stem. Push the chenille stem in a little way to secure it.

4-You can string beads on the chenille stem and bend it to form a hook.

5-You're done! Hang it up and enjoy!


Unknown said...

Hey, you SHOULD be celbrating Christmas until January 8th anyhoo- the 12 days of Christmas is supposed to happen after Christmas, culminating with the arrival of the Wise Men on January 8th.

Don't stop celebrating! ;0)

Christ John said...

This seems like a great gift for my wife, she will be quite happy because gifts are her favorite part of the day and I will surely give one of these after Economics Homework Writing Service in USA job at my office.

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