Friday Favorites and Freebies

Happy Friday to YOU!!!

Want to keep those fingers warm? Check out this tutorial for making your own Hand Warmers. They would also make a great gift!

These Clothespin Valentines are darling, easy to make and USEFUL-go check them out!

If you crochet you've got to check this out-how about using plastic bags or t-shirts for yarn?

If you love fun and free graphics, clip art, or bloggy stuff be sure to stop by and see this vintage valentine and other goodies.

And since it's that organizing time of the year, check this out for ribbon organizing.


Summers Family said...

hey jedda,
the link for the vintage valentine is the same s the ribbon organizing.
thanks for all the fun ideas! how do you find these?

a Knitting Junkie! said...

Thanks so much for sharing the great links!

Hugs, Health & Happiness,
Anita, a Knitting Junkie!

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