This activity works on these skills:
Jay has pretty good handwriting, but he likes uppercase better. And let's face it, worksheets are boring! So we're happy to have a place to practice and put his words: in a "Words Can" (a covered oatmeal can and a slit cut in the lid).
This is how {This Little Project} works:
1- First we choose some of his favorite words. I help by suggesting words we're using in other learning. For instance: plant names, insects, friends' names, vacation words, seasons, etc.
2-Then I write a word on each line of this paper
3- Then he copies the word next to it. Sometimes he gets to WRITE it a few times so he has extra practice.
4-Then he puts a sticker next to the words with the best handwriting to CELEBRATE what a good job he did.
5-Then he CUTS OUT the words with the best handwriting.
6-And puts those best words in the "Word Can."
7-Later, while I'm making dinner or feeding the baby, or otherwise sort-of occupied but not totally, I can take one word out at a time and ask him to SPELL it to me. If it's easy to spell he can discard the word to make room for new words to go in the Word Can. To CELEBRATE you could have the child color with his favorite colored pencil over the letters again to reinforce the writing and show that it was mastered.
8-Or I can ask him to take the words out and READ them to me to practice his reading. If it's easy to read he can discard the word to make room for new words to go in the Word Can. Again, to CELEBRATE you could have the child write with his favorite colored pencil over the letters again to reinforce the writing and show that it was mastered.
That way we get a lot of fun with words that mean something personal, which is a lot more motivating and makes a fun {Little Project}!
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