Brotherly Love

Maybe all the talk from our valentine countdown about loving our neighbor is sinking in. 

I walked into the music room and saw Jay holding the pedal down for Kay while she was playing the piano-since she can't reach it. 

Moms need to see things like this!  I'm glad my camera happened to be sitting right there on the piano so I could capture this sweet moment. 
It makes me smile every time I see it!


SweetAbbs said...

Jedda you probably don't remember me but I was in you and dan's ward at byu. Abby Roberts. I ran across a guest post you did about a playdough party and have started reading your blog. You are as amazing and inspiring as I remember. So fun to see where life has taken you guys. :)

Carn Family said...

So cute. You gotta love little moments like these.

Chelsey said...

So adorable! Glad you were able to catch it...

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