Flower Headband

I recently made some of these quick flower headbands for Kay and her cousin. 

 {This Little Project} whips up so quick, makes a great gift and makes it feel more like springtime!

If you haven't made a flower from fabric before, take a look at this tutorial.

If you want to make {This Little Project} 
here are some tips:

I wrapped the flower and then hot glued it together between layers. You could also hot glue as you go, but I liked being able to adjust the final look so I waited to the end.

Any fabric works. I did one with t-shirt fabric too (no photo).

After the flower is glued together I glued the center back of the flower to a small piece of fabric-bigger than the flower. I used that piece of fabric to secure the flower to the headband. It's more secure that way-just wrap it down under the headband and hot glue in place.

Have fun wearing flowers!

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