Mothers Day Gift-Carry On

I recently threw a baby shower for a friend of mine.  The colors were pink and brown to celebrate her little girl.  

As I was working out the decorations I came across this print and thought to myself, "Every Mother should have one of these hanging in her home!"  

Seriously!  Staying calm and carrying's what we do (or try to do!) everyday!

I used {This Little Project} as a decoration for the shower and also as part of my gift to her.  

I love how the twined hanger turned out with the clothes pins

 It's an inexpensive and unique way to display this quote. 

 I made it to hang in her nursery but as you can see below-it doesn't have to be hung to be displayed this way:

Want to make {This Little Project} too? 
(you know a Mom that would love it too, don't you!)

Well, you're in luck because Heather at Simply Fresh Designs has created a free printable of this quote in 8 darling color choices for you!  

Go here to read more about the neat history of this quote and to download yours!

{Little Project Tip} I don't do a lot of color printing at home.  The quality just isn't the best.  But instead of doing a 8x 10 photo print, I often will choose a color copy at Staples (59 cents).  The quality is always awesome and it's a fraction of the photo printing price.  Depending on how you choose to frame it, it can be just the right thing!

For {This Little Project} I mounted/glued this color copy to a piece of chip board to give it support.

The two clothes pins hold it to the hanger.

To "twine" your hanger you need:

 a plastic hanger (I used a child sized one) 

a roll of twine

hot glue gun


First, glue the end of your twine to the end of the "hook" of the hanger.  Start wrapping and glue as you go.  I glued every 10 wraps or so.  Just enough to hold it in place as you move down the hanger.  The hook is the easiest part to do because it is easy to wrap around.  

To do the other part of the hanger you may want to unwrap a long piece of twine and cut it.  Then wrap it and glue as you go until it's done. Then repeat until the rest is covered.  This is because you can't really fit the ball of twine through the inside of the hanger very well so it's easier to just have a piece to work with.  Try it and you'll see what I mean ;)

Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful Mothers who are gracious enough to stop by and read here at {This Little Project}.  I hope you have a beautiful day!

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