My Favorite Swimsuit

Yes, that's really how I feel about the swimsuit I found this year.  It was TIME for a new suit.  I don't know how much you enjoy shopping for a swimsuit, but I think it's safe to say that most of us don't love it.  It can be more than a {Little Project} to find the right one.

My goals for a swimsuit were these:

1- Not to look like a frumpy mom.

2- Wear something flattering.  For me, this means wearing a suit that shows my best me-not just the skin on me.  I'm more than a body, right?  So I want something that is modest and cute and shows that I'm confident enough about who I am as a woman that I don't need to show the whole world what they don't need to see-know what I mean?  

So, I feel really lucky to have found this swimwear company:

Lime Ricki is just my style (see goals above) and they have a TON OF OPTIONS.  I love the mix and match aspect too!

(no compensation for this blog post, by the way-just love these suits!)

I know that the rest of the world has probably had enough warm weather to have been swimming already, but here it's still too cold :(  Serious sadness about that!

But when we were on vacation last week we were visiting the red rock of the west it was WARM!  So I got to swim-finally!  And now I know for sure that I love these suits!  

So even if you already have your suit for this year, read on; you might find something you love too!

Let me introduce you to these darling 

Ruffles!  On a suit!  And so cute!

and these skirts are just one of their styles of bottoms (my personal favorite though).

Now a fun top to go with it:


Cute tops, but not cut too low.  No overload of cleavage.  Smart looking-don't you think?  There are a bunch of fun styles to mix and match with.  The back of the suits are well-done too-go look!

Now for my other favorite:  The swimdress.

Now, this photo doesn't do justice for how cute this suit really is.
Sorry, this photo of me in it isn't much help either for you since it's in the water...but that's all I have.

 This is actually a one piece suit (the grey bottoms goes all the way up) and then the pink goes over the top.  It's connected under the bust and then hangs tight to you for the rest.
And yes... more ruffles!

So if you want the skirt look while you walk around or a cute one-piece look you can have either.  There is enough fabric to have the end of the dress hit in a variety of heights on the leg.  Clever, huh?

If you are like me and love a classy and covered look instead of the bare/meaty look, here are a few more of my favorite sites:

Happy shopping, a fun {Little Project!}

1 comment:

Halfords said...

You know I love this swim suit!

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