Sneaky Pillow {slipcovers}

Here's a sneak-peak at my new pillow slip covers.
Can you guess what {this little project} was made from?

Here's another look.  I made these to go in our music room.  The big black piano takes up a good chunk of the room and it dominates the color scheme too, as you can see...

So, if you didn't guess yet I'll have to tell you....

These pillow slipcovers are made from 2 bandanas!

They were a buck each.
ya.  I can hardly believe it either.

Nobody ever guesses they are bandana pillows when they come over either.  
Your secret is safe :)

And since they are slipcover pillows I can change the black-and-white scenery of the room whenever.  The orange ones work perfect for Halloween!

The standard bandanas fit the 18"x18" pillow forms.  Perfect!!

To get you started, here are the 2 bandanas I started with:  

p.s. I didn't take photos of the process, because it really is so easy!
(but if you have questions-just ask!)

To make {this little project}:

1- Cut one bandana in half.
The cut bandana is the one that opens in the back.

2- Simply fold back (1/4") and hem each side of the cut.

3- Then lay the cut pieces on top of the original bandana
The hemmed pieces should be in the middle so it looks like it started out.

4- Turn the cut pieces over so the two bandanas are now right sides together (printed sides are facing each other).

5- Overlap the cut pieces so that the hems overlap by at least 1/2 inch.
(for more pictures of how to make a slipcover see {this little project} from the past)

6- Pin it.

7- Sew around the square.  
The bandana you cut and hemmed is slightly smaller.  
So that's the square you sew around.

8- Turn it inside out and stuff your pillow inside!

Ta Da!  Easy. Fast. Changeable. $2 Bucks.
That's my kind of {little project}.


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