Art Rocks! Easter Eggs

This project was a 2-day project because we collected the rocks on our nature walk one day, and painted them the next.  It is an inexpensive art project that was a lot of fun and has a nice tie to Easter-see below.

First, we went to look for egg-shaped rocks. I think kids need sunshine and dirt to grow, at least mine do. So we took our time looking for some, and then came upon this big pile. Bingo.

Next you need markers and/or paint to make your easter eggs. We used both and they were both fun.

It's smart to spread newspaper out before you begin :)

An old pacifier is great for making dots!  A pencil eraser would be good too.

Then just let them dry outside and add them to your rock garden collection.
For added Easter significance, talk about the rock that was rolled from the tomb where Christ was. Here are some coloring pages that correspond: LINK, LINK,

Have a rockin' Little Project day!


Emily said...

what i cute idea! i love the tie to Christ, that's genius!

Unknown said...

Oh yes- this is going to be my 1st grader Sunday School class' Easter craft now! YOU rock!

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