Friday Favorites and Freebies

Happy Friday to you!  I hope you find something to fit your fancy!

Don't forget about your free chocolate :)

Neat idea: Sweaters to seat covers here!

Find the way to make the perfect food coloring here (via Tipnut)

It's hard to believe that school will be starting again soon.  Mine are too little to go yet (thank goodness!) but if you are getting ready to send yours off you will want to check out some great ideas for getting them ready here.  I especially love the ideas of setting some traditions like remaking a backpack and a fun way to make it extra special for the Moms too.

The cutest alphabet crayons (you can make)! For crayon recycling without these special molds, look here.

After they finish their artwork frame it in one of these printable frames.


Elise said...

Hello Jedda

I have just come over from Michelle's blog ( (A Mommy's Adventures)where Michelle mentioned your doodle rubbings. I recently attempted to make some stamps for my little girl. They didn't quite work out as I had hoped, however, your doodle rubbing idea will be perfect for them.

I have enjoyed checking out your Friday Favourites and Freebies.

Your reccyled stitching idea is fantastic. Such a clever idea.

I look forward to visiting regularly now that I have discovered your blog.

RootsAndWingsCo said...

Thanks for linking to our Back To School Ideas. What a fun website to be linked from! We have a few more great ideas up now, that you might find helpful as well!


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