Around Town-March

 If you would like some ideas about music and movement to do with your kids (or just enjoy on your own!), be sure to stop over at ABCand123 for the write-up I did featuring the music and movements of Ireland including Irish Step Dancing!

abc button

Speaking of music, a friend of mine from college has a wonderful piano teaching blog.

 She shared this activity she did using my spring birds to teach curved fingers for piano playing-so clever!

We're making more birds this week and I'm going to use them with Jay and Kay to work on their piano technique-thanks to Jenny's great idea!

Kierste at Brown Paper Packages featured my monogrammed Scripture Power Book Cover that I made for Kay.  Kierste has lots of fun crafts and organizing ideas.  Be sure to stop by!

brown paper packages

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Jenny Bay said...

Thanks for the link! And thanks again for the fuzzy bird craft idea. My piano students LOVED them!!!

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