Heather at Simply Fresh Designs has graciously shared theses books again with all of us, without the images this time, due to copyright issues-but you can add your own.

Since I just traveled to see many friends and family I took 12 of them to give away. So many people asked where I got them that I thought I should share it here too! Thanks to my sweet friend Kierste at brown paper packages for introducing me to these.
Each of Heather's books is beautifully done and she graciously allows downloads of them for free so that you can print your own. I so appreciate her sharing her talents! What blessings these little books are for me, and so many friends and family members.
I realize that many of you aren't-but if you also belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints aka (Mormon) like I do-I think you will really like them too. And if not, maybe the ideas you see will help you create something similar that your family will love. I'm still looking for an an Old Testament one-so far just New Testament is available-so please share if you have ideas for Bible quiet books!
Heather has created 5 different books:
New Testament (This is her newest)
Prophets and Apostles
Articles of Faith
We Believe
The Book of Mormon
Heather designed them so you can download and then print them as 4x6 photos and slip them into a photo album book. I found my photo books at the dollar store or at Walmart. Does it get any easier than that? {This Little Project} is easy!

Jay loves to read them.
Kay likes to look at the pictures.
And Ellie likes to turn the pages and eat them!
In other words, {This Little Project} is perfect for us!

What a great idea! We are not Mormon but this idea will be very easy to transfer over to other areas. Thanks for sharing it. : )
We love them!! Thanks!
Do you still have the files for these quiet books? The link you provided no longer works. If you have them could you forward them onto me.
Thanks Stefanie
Do you still have the files? Can you e-mail them?
Can I get the new testament one from you?? I have the others....but not this one. mr(underscore)4x4wife(at)yahoo(dot) com.
If there is any way you would be willing to email me these files I would be so thankful! I've been searching for something like this for so long, and it would be a lifesaver :) My email is bluedaisy_23@hotmail.com Thanks SO much!
I would greatly appreciate it if I could get a copy of the files as well. Thank you for sharing (and the creator for creating) something so wonderful for our children!
I don't know if you can still email the files, but if you can I'd love a copy as well. Thank you!
These are incredible!! I have been (slowly) making pages like these forever and they are taking me so long! Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of the files? to tiffanyandjason@hotmail.com
Friends, I'm sad to say that I don't have the files to share with you. In fact, I hadn't even finished downloading the last ones before they were pulled from her site. Hopefully they will become available to us all again. I would love to share them with new converts at church and kids that are just baptized. I guess we'll just have to wait and see....
Thanks for stopping by!
Re: Image copyrights
Are we allowed to re-insert the images and print? Was it just an issue with electronically posting the images? What's your understanding? Do you know where I could get more info? Thanks.
@ Carl and Steph:
As I understood it, it seemed to be a distribution issue. You can check her site. I think you can add images and print and be fine :)
These are so wonderful!! Thank you so much for sharing them!
i was wondering if i add the photos to the pages using picasa do they still save as a 4x6 picture
I am so excited to have all of your sacrament time quiet books! They are so wonderful! I am however struggling with getting the pictures on each card. I have both Picasa and Photoshop Elements. Can you please walk me through how to do one?
Thanks so much!!!
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