
Where we live a butterfly exhibit recently opened.  We've had so much fun with butterflies lately and it's not even spring yet! We've been inspired and are doing {Little Projects} with butterfly science, art, spanish, etc.

And on Amazon right now their butterfly kits are 50% off-so now is a great time to enjoy watching them grow and change before your very eyes! 

So one of our {Little Projects} right now is enjoying this:

I will tell you that when the kit comes in the mail it will include a mail-in voucher for five butterfly larvae and special food. ($3.00 fee for processing).  

You need to know this or else your little one will be as disappointed as mine was that we couldn't start right away!  You could even order your kit now and then send the card in later if you aren't ready to start {This Little Project} right away (or want to wait until spring).

I guess we couldn't wait...

Did you know that coffee filters are the perfect watercolor paper?  
They don't get holes in them like regular paper and they are $1 at Dollar Tree.

It reminds me that we too can change into something more beautiful than we are today.

Like I said, we've been doing all kinds of {Little Projects} to go along with this butterfly theme.  

Here are a few you may like too:

A butterfly matching game (print two to play)

And what where would we be without a little Eric Carle? 
Hungry Catapiller printables Here, Here and Here

We're also enjoying this "Scratch and sketch" Butterflies

Here's a wish that spring gets here soon because it snowed where we live today!!!

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