Mapping An Easter Egg Hunt

It's that time of the year when I get a {little} sneaky and use 
our plastic Easter eggs to have a {little} extra fun learning.

My son Jay loves maps. He's pretty good at reading them so 
the other day we bought a compass for him at the store to try out.  
All the way home he told me which direction I was driving. 
It was a lot of fun!  

So instead of the usual Easter egg hunt, I put together a 
Direction egg hunt to help him practice learning to follow 
directions and direct himself using north, south, east, and west 
with his compass.

Kay isn't quite ready for the compass so her egg hunt was 
about counting her steps and practicing left and right.  
With Easter coming up and plastic eggs everywhere, 
I thought I would share {this little} resources with you 
as a fun way to practice learning to move in the right direction.

Since we were doing 2 different egg hunts, we have the boy eggs with directions for using the compass in them to find them all:


And the girl eggs to practice counting steps and turning right and left.

The great thing about using colored eggs is that when you hide 
them you can note which color that the kids will find first, 
second, etc.--just in case they get confused at some point 
and need to backtrack. Re-tracing their steps is all part of 
learning which way to go.

For each egg I put in a paper in that describes:
the type of movement (walking forward/backward, hop, etc.)
the direction of the movement (right/left, or north/south, etc.)

Here are some fill-in the blank papers I used:
Compass Egg Hunt Directions
You can fill in the blanks to fit where you hide your eggs.

When you are done, it would be fun to draw a map of where your hunt took you, looking at the clues you used to find the eggs.

I also used {this little} activity to talk about how important it 
is to follow directions to get where they are going 
and not get lost. 
There are a lot of applications for teaching {this little} lesson.  

Of course learning about which direction is which
is an important {little} lesson too :)

p.s. I am a guest writer at and shared some fun songs and musical activities to go along with {this little project} {here}.


Gabrielle said...

I just found you through ABC 123. What a fun idea, thanks for sharing!

Mimi said...

Such a fun idea! Josh will love this. Thanks!

By the way, he's already been talking about missing your kids during the next General Conference. They were so cute doing their little worksheets together last time!

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