Giveaway! My Memories Digital Scrapbooking
I'm a girl that loves to have a camera in her hand. Photos mean a lot to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my memory without them! And when Jay was born I remember wanting to scrapbook every memory in a book for both of us to enjoy. When I had just him, it was manageable. But with three kids? Let's just say I have a couple of boxes of papers and stickers that get used for other {little projects}.
Enter digital scrapbooking. I've heard the word. I know people do it. But I had never tried it out.
Until My Memories wanted to give away their digital scrapbooking software to my lucky readers.
Since they sent me the software to try out too, I've done my first digital creations. Ever.
And guess what?It's not hard when you have this software!
The My Memories Digital Scrapbooking Suite downloads instantly from their website. I jumped right in and had fun playing with lots of different backgrounds and embellishments that come with the software.
Now I can create a page or book about our family vacation and it instantly can be used for any of our kids or emailed to grandma too! It's so much easier to keep organized and takes up so little space!
But I have to admit that my favorite part about the My Memories Suite is that it is so versatile. This software is capable of creating and sharing all kinds of memories.Think birthday party invite. Or baby announcement.Or party favor. Or personalized holiday and greeting cards.
Right now I'm using it to redo my blog. Yes me. It's been time to do that for 2 years and now I'm not intimidated by it. In fact, I'm having fun doing it!
I should also mention that it works on a PC or a Mac. I am a mac user and it works great and interfaces with iphoto as well as other digital scrapbooking embellishments I've downloaded. For more info, check out the system requirements.
And now, onto the giveaway!
Please leave a separate comment for each entry below (no emails!)
1. Like My Memories on Facebook
2. Go to My Memories website and tell my what your favorite digital paper pack is.
3. Subscribe to This Little Project via email or reader
4. Like This Little Project on Facebook
You must be a This Little Project follower to win (see right sidebar).
Entries will be accepted until midnight on Sunday, April 15th. The winner will be announced Monday, April 16th.
I just have one Scrapbooking Suite Software to give away. But, I also have a treat for the rest of you too!
Just use this coupon code STMMMS60806at check out for $10 off.So for $30 you'll behaving all kinds of fun :)

I received a copy of this software to review. I was not compensated for my opinions. My experience with the product and my opinions are 100% my own.
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I liked your blog on facebook - thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
I am already following your blog via email :-)
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So many digital paper packs to choose from - but I really liked "Elissa" by Scrappily Yours as a good place to start.
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I get updates on This Little Poject through email :)
I like my memories on facebook
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I "liked" my memories on FB
I liked them all but the little artist pack is perfect
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following GFC as Debbie Johnston
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I also really like the neutral paper pack, but they are all so great.
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taznjade at gmail dot com
Like My Memories on facebook
taznjade at gmail dot com
I love the Baby Toys Paper Pack!
taznjade at gmail dot com
I Like My Memories on Facebook. Thanks
I love the track & field. My twins participate in special olympics track & I have tons of pictures. It is hard to find good things to scrapbook with. Thanks
I Like This Little Project on Facebook.
Liked My Memories on Facebook. Kristie Morrison Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Subscribe with email. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Like you on Facebook. Kristie Morrison Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
I like the Spring Blossoms Photo Book. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
I like My Memories on FB, Debbie Petts
Like This Little Project on FB, Debbie Petts.
I like the Hippity Hoppity pack!
I like My Memories on FB. Amanda H.
I like This Little Project on FB. Amanda H.
I love your ebony and ivory scrapbook and calenday plus the elegance frames. Thank you for the generous giveaway...
I liked My Memories on Facebook.
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