Real Easter Kids Art Projects

There are so many ways to do art projects around Easter time. As Easter has gotten closer I find myself looking for art projects that get closer to the real purpose of Easter. Below are some that we have done to try and celebrate the real reason we celebrate Easter, which doesn't have much to do with bunnies...

With Palm Sunday we talked about the Triumphal entry. We used leaves from silk flowers (from the dollar store) to glue to the wood stick to make a tree. Jay requested that it stay next to his bed for the past two nights.

This tomb was made from a paper plate and I used a brad so the kids could roll away the rock. We used a picture of Jesus and the kids put him in and out of the tomb as we told the story. Jay has carried around for 3 days now. It really struck him. I think the hands on with kids is such a great teaching tool.

We made a Easter Lily from our hand prints. There are a lot of reasons the Lily is an Easter flower.

They symbolize purity. They are shaped like trumpets. But the main reason we made these is because they are made from our hands. Christ's hands hold so much significance. What we do with our hands says a lot about what we believe.

To make an Easter Lily you need: Paper, scissors, a straw, a stapler, a pencil
1-trace your hand onto the paper with a pencil.

2- cut your hand out and use the straw or pencil to roll the fingers/petals down.

3-roll the hand/flower around the straw and staple it to the end.

We are also making this little story book from the LDS website:

I hope these Little Projects are helpful for other families too. They were great teaching tools for ours.  For more ideas from around the web, check out the Sacred or Secular Traditions post.

P.S.  April 10th is the 100th Day of the YEAR!  We are planning to celebrate.  What can you do with 100...?

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