Earth Day Catch Project

In honor of Earth Day, {This Little Project} is about reusing. With some scissors you can turn a milk jug in to a ball catch. Jay is starting T-ball this weekend and I thought we could use some catching practice around here. This is what we came up with (courtesy of the invention box):

To make {This Little Project} you need:
a plastic milk jug
electric tape (probably not totally necessary so go ahead if you don't have it).
ball with lots of holes (ours is from dollar tree)

Just cut the jug in half below the handle. Use electric tape to cover the top. (If you are wondering what to do with the bottom half, we put soil in and are using it for a planter.)

Tie one end of the yarn to the jug and the other through the holes on the ball.
Now play ball with this earth-friendly toy and feel good about planting seeds in the other half! Happy Earth Day!


Beansieleigh said...

Love this idea, and that STILL you used BOTH halves of the container! Happy Earth Day! ~tina

Ticia said...

Oh, my kids would love this!

Judi said...

We made this last week. My boys loved it!

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